Building Inspector
Mission Statement
The mission of the Building Inspector’s Office is to establish and maintain a pleasant working relationship with office staff, the general public, property owners, public officials and to enforce the building and housing codes with firmness and tact.
Under the direction of the mayor, the Building Inspector is responsible for the inspection of public and private buildings, supervision of department employees and ensuring that building permits are issued according to local codes and building standards.
The Building Inspector performs electrical, gas, plumbing, HVAC and safety inspections to ensure that all building codes are met. The Building Inspector approves or denies requests for construction permits, in addition to testifying in court concerning construction code violations and other building issues. The Building Inspector also reviews building plans and approves plans when all codes and building standards are met.
It is unlawful for anyone to start construction without first obtaining a permit from the Building Inspector’s Office. Plumbing, electrical, heating and air conditioning must be done by a licensed contractor (licensed by the State of Alabama and the City of Selma). General Contractors bidding for residential jobs over $10,000.00 and commercial jobs over $50,000.00 must have a State of Alabama Contractor’s License.
Department Functions:
- Issue building permits to contractors and homeowners.
- Issue yard sale permits to the general public.
- Issue sanitary sewer connection permits for new residential and commercial structures.
- Prepare agenda for the Planning Board and Board of Adjustment meetings.
- Determines zone and location of buildings using zoning maps.
- Assign new street addresses for residential and commercial buildings.
- Schedule and administer certification examinations for Journeyman and Master Electricians.
- Inspect building and housing in the process of construction for compliance with code requirements.
- Inspect alterations and repair jobs by checking sites and existing structures.
- Inspect sites before the footings are poured and check construction in process.
- Examine plans submitted with permit application for conformance with code requirements.
- Answer inquiries concerning building and housing code requirements.
- Investigate complaints concerning zoning violations and maintain an accurate and thorough record of all inspections.

Zeb Lee
Building Inspector
Building Inspector
222 Broad Street
Selma, AL 36701
8:30 am to 4:30 pm
(334) 876-1210